Friday, November 9, 2012

Tales of Travels

Tales of Travels

      We were all three able to go to the US for about 6 days to attend the wedding of Nicholas Holland (Loren's youngest brother) and Hannah Brown.  We are excited about Hannah joining our family!  This selfless bride donated miles for Loren to go to their wedding!  About two weeks before the wedding we found out that the North Park Church Kitchen Ministry paid for a ticket for Zane and Alaina to come too!  A HUGE thank you for these donations!  We wouldn't have been able to come to the wedding if it wasn't for these people!

With the tickets being bought separatly both Loren and Alaina had quite the unique travel experiences.  Loren was awake for nearly 72hours (a personal best) walking the terminals of Miami, Atlanta, Dallas and Jackson.  On the way there he got to spend the night in the Atlanta Airport.  Then on his trip back he overnighted in Dallas where Alaina's brother Mirike and his wife Amber live.  So he had a nice cozy night of sleep thanks to them!

  (This picture was taken in the 30 minutes Zane slept in the 5 hour flight.)

Alaina got to wrestle a 13 month old there and back.  He was a busy little man as he spent his time in the terminals climbing chairs and the time in the airplanes wanting to walk the isle.  Unfortunately Alaina had a migrane on the flight back to Ecuador.  There was a nice gentleman who held Zane while she used a throw up bag during landing.   

Yet the most important thing is we were able to attend the wedding and receive the gift of family time.


Alaina and her sister in law Margaret (Morgan's wife).  Great-Grandma Holland,  Zane and Great-Grandpa Holland.
Wedding: We had the blessing of being there to help set up, party, and tear down.  Loren got to spend some quality time with his stud brothers working on his golf drive.  

Preparing the groom for his bride.

The bride glowed, the groom radiated, and we were all relishing sweet family moments.  Now all the Holland boys are married.  They all just picked one girl to date, then married her.  The most wonderful blessing of them all is they all are following Christ with their whole hearts.  
It couldn't have been a more beautiful day!  

With great memories,
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