Here is the before shot of the freezer:
Here is the after!
I was able to take everything out of the fridge, disinfect all surfaces, and organize.
You might not be able to tell tons of difference but I SURE CAN! ;-) It felt good to get the goo that has been on the bottom shelf for 4 months off.
I re-filled mayo, mustard, and ketchup bottles. Threw away items that were just taking up space and empty. Got rid of some old food. AHH. If you only could smell it now.
I also accomplished a little project that I wanted to do for months but didn't ever take the time to get it done. Make my own fridge magnets! I got the idea from Pinterest and adapted it a little. My aunt Kimbo got me these clear gadgets. Then I glued words/pictures behind them. And put a magnet on the back!
Sweet! Another task accomplished!
Before and after shot of the cabinet I tackled to the ground:
Again probably no change in your eyes but I was able to disinfect, organize, and re-fill. And found out we have a lot of Tuna right now. I also got a pile ready to give away. So many in this country don't have food- and we are more than blessed with provisions from God.
May we be a blessing to others who are in real need!
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