Monday, April 6, 2009


A little over a week ago I was taken back to my first growth spurts in my spiritual life.  Thinking back on my first journal and the entries made, there was a consistent request made.  I prayed for wisdom.  Often daily I wrote my prayer to God that He would make me wise, able to discern what His will was for me and really how to live the life given me.
As I continue in ministry praying for the lost and reaching out to those that have decidedly not chosen the life of Christ, I continue to seek wisdom.  But to pursue wisdom in our choices there are a few essentials that must take place.  What are they? and Why?
These things are first of all humility to allow God to change your mind and ultimately a willingness to change your pattern of living.  From the start, we all must realize that we are dead in our transgressions and sins until Christ makes us alive in Him.  The pattern often still remain though.  The excitement of a new life must be coupled with surrender to change the lifestyle that you lead.  This is a difficult thing to comprehend or even explain to one who has grown up in a Christian home and has developed a mediocre faith.  If we cannot submit to humility and see how there is still a deadness about us in our lifestyle, can a true lasting difference be made?  I am inclined to think not.  Hopefully, when we are brought to Christ the One who satisfies, it is for a hope so far beyond us that we are captivated by His promises.  
It seems that today we are bound to a lifestyle of entertainment pursuit.  We "need" time to vegitate in front of a television screen with little thought to the content of what we are watching.  Between the latest movies and the latest pills we move to "godless" remedies.  There is nothing wrong with good pure entertainment especially if it feeds the soul and enriches the imagination.  But, do we do a good enough job filtering what goes in?  Often this message is what is preached to youth in youth groups, but all people needs to hear it.
When living in Colorado, Trevor, my roommate and I, decided not to have a television.  We felt convicted by the question, "Do we know Christ well enough to be spending our time and money on TV?"  Our answer consistently was and is, "No!"  Occasionally we watched a movie together, but never more than once or twice a week.
There seem to be so many believers claiming Christ as their Savior, but how wise are the choices they make on a daily basis?  Choices involving internet, television, prime time, friends, etc.  Where is time, money and energy spent?  Where is one's mind the majority of the day?  The answers to these questions reveal the spiritual life of every person.  If someone is in a relationship with Jesus Christ, there will be a noticeable difference in the way that they live.  A love for something well beyond them will be evident.  If that spiritual life is exercised the results will show.  Results like not only saying "no" to ungodliness, but knowing how to recognize it.
So, lets pray for wisdom from God to not only live a better way, but to live a better way as a result of 
Let us remain in Him, commune with Him and ask him for the wisdom to test and approve what his good pleasing and perfect will is.  Let us desire to be workmen approved, who do not need to be ashamed.  

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