Our camping adventure started out with some mud. There was this big yellow truck that got stuck in the road and we couldn't pass him. Our only choice was to go around because they were going to be there a long while. We filled some deep holes up so our car wouldn't get stuck. Just down a few more curves, bumps, and sliding action I captured this video of our friends car getting stuck in the mud!
There was a common tent we cooked in and hung out under. What a fun group of people we have to hang out with!
This was where Loren and I set up our tent! We loved this spot and it was so beautiful!
Then we had to go back to the city. It was fun getting to camp at Cotopaxi!!
Youth Group has been going great. Lots of kids keep showing up and we love getting to hang out with them. We have had students from the German School, Scottish school, Ecuadorian schools, Alliance, and from SEK international, and Anderson International school. We are working with students from literally all over the world and it is exciting!
Let me introduce you to little baby Karla. She is an orphan girl from the orphanage in shell Casa de Fe. Visit http://lacasadefe.org/blog/ for more information. She had to come up to Quito because she was about to die after getting pneumonia. She is over a year old but first acted as a newborn with her motor skills because she was so malnourished when the orphanage found her! Alaina had the privilege to organize a team of ladies to stay with her in shifts because she needed an adult 24 hours while she was recovering in the hospital for a week. Now she is much better and back in Shell.
Dave the Horn Guy came down for our Spiritual Emphasis Week at Alliance Academy!! Check out what he does at his website: http://davethehornguy.com/
He did a great family comedy night for us!
Seriously people- book him for your next church/school/assembly/business meeting/sports event!! He has a unique act of playing horns and he is passionate about our Lord Jesus! Look up what he is all about on You Tube! Search Dave the Horn guy.
Cardboard testimonials was something we did during our Spiritual Emphasis Week at Alliance Academy. A cardboard testimonial is someone saying two phrases on how God has helped them through a certain situation without saying a word! One example is a student wrote: "Living in a broken home has broken me" She turns the cardboard over to the other side "God has healed my broken heart".
The phrases are shown to the audience and the impact is life changing. One also wrote: "I tried to commit suicide 3 times" "God has given me something to live for". It was amazing to see students be vulnerable in front of their peers! God did some miracles in the lives of students who broke down and poured out their heart on these cardboards and testifying to a great God!
On the last day of Spiritual Emphasis Week we opened the cardboard testimonials to anyone who wanted to write one, we ran out of cardboard before we ran out of students who wanted to write one. God works in powerful ways from student to student opening up about our mighty God.
We are excited to announce Baby Holland is growing inside mommy's belly! Alaina is just starting 14 weeks. Baby should be making its way out around October 1st.